2018 -
Rewarding the best of the best
Mara de Oro of Venezuela and International Foundation
Nueva Esparta, 9th of March of 2018
Declares that on this date, 9th of March of 2018, the MARA DE ORO has been awarded and therefore granted to Luis Antonio Velasquez as INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCER.
Henceforth, the Mara de Oro of Venezuela Foundation Certifies the Plaque granted on this date.
Nueva Esparta, 9th of March of 2018
2018 -
The Tennis Association
of Miranda State

The Tennis Association of Miranda State, gives this well-deserved recognition to LUIS ANTONIO VELASQUEZ RODRIGUEZ for his valuable contribution and collaboration in favor of Tennis "Campo Mirandino", by inserting the Association in the world of cyber technology.

2017 - Gama Innovation Conference and Awards
Branding and Design Finalist
Manchester 25th October, 2017
Their Branding & Design category recognizes the products that stand out from the crowd through an innovative concept or creative visual identity.
They said:
Callyssee Cup O Joe Bath Salts demonstrates how a quirky use of packaging can underline a product's key selling point - in this case a novel coffee scent.

2017 -
Photoclub Internacional
Silver Shot Award
July, 2017
Fan Page of community awards PhotoClub Virtual Gallery.
"The best of the photographic community "PhotoClub International" Publication of best award winning photographs by topics and special mentions of photographers from around the world."
2015 - HIPA

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
International photography award
Qualified in the main category "Life in Colour" for the second judgment stage.
H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Maktoum established the prestigious ‘Hamdan International Photography Award’. This demonstrates the commitment of Dubai to encouraging and supporting art, culture, and innovation. The Award appeals to all talented photographers across the globe and also nurtures national talent, which will, in turn, attract international art and cultural attention. The Award highlights how Dubai is fast developing into one of the most artistically conscious and established cities in the world.

"Top of Business" 2015
One of the most important business awards in the world
Sao Paulo, 2015
Nominated to receive the prize "Top of Business International 2015"

It gathers and recognizes leading entrepreneurs from different regions who contribute to the daily growth of their local economy and the world economy. EL BIZZ was created by the World Confederation of Businesses (WORLDCOB), to offer the global business community a series of benefits that achieve its development.
WORLDCOB was founded in 2004 in the city of Houston, Texas, in the United States of America. Its main mission is to promote business development around the world, recognizing and promoting the growth of leading companies and entrepreneurs in all countries through the tools and special services it offers its members. It has approximately 3,000 members representing more than 100 countries.

2015 -
"A Menu for Instagram" Workshop Keynote Speaker

2015 -
Pioneer with the Radial Micro "Fototips"